Conference Mobile App Push Notifications
Reach over 1,000 librarians from California
Vendors can use Push Notifications during the conference to attract attendees to your booth; send out information about products or anything else you'd like to tell attendees about your company.
Please contact CLA at, 626.204.4071 for more information.
Promotional Signs
Promotional Signs are a great way to enhance your visibility, introduce a new product/service and drive attendees to your booth. Standing 8’ tall and 3’ wide… and placed in high-traffic areas, promotional signs provide unsurpassed visibility for your company. Attendees will see your message clearly and frequently as they enter/exit the exhibit hall. Stand out from the crowd with Promotional Signs at CLA. Order now!
Attendee Lists
Order Your Attendee List Today! Pre- and post-registrant listings are available for rental. Send a pre-show mailing to drive attendance to YOUR booth. Download the Attendee List Rental form. Pre-show lists will be emailed out by September 30 for orders received by September 20, and Post-show lists will be sent out by November 4.
Patrick Filippelli, Exhibition Management
phone: 630/929-7960, fax: 630/434-1216,